Tadayoshi YUKI

"寂光" " Quiet and calm light " 2021 194×162cm oil and gold dust on canvas 第107回 光風会展

“薄れ日" "Weak sunlight" 2021 410×318mm oil and gold dust on canvas メルヴェイユ展 個人蔵

"葉桜" "Cherry tree in leaf" 2021 530×455mm oil and gold dust on canvas メルヴェイユ展

“模写 ラファエロ 小椅子の聖母" "A reproduction of Madonna della Seggiola" 2021 410×410mm oil on canvas 個人蔵

“空に映る心" "The heart reflected in the sky" 2021 273×220mm oil and gold dust on canvas

"風冴ゆ" "The glow of the cold wind" 2021 53.0×65.2cm oil and gold dust on canvas 光風会選抜展 寄託作品

"涼蔭" "Cool shade" 2021 31.8×41.0cm oil on canvas 第3回 燦の会展

"雨霽る" " After the rain " 2021 162×130.3cm oil on canvas 第8回 日展

“風" "Wind" 2021 220×273mm oil and gold leaf on canvas トレ展 個人蔵

“眩" "Dazzling" 2021 220×273mm oil and gold leaf on canvas トレ展 ギャラリーアルトン寄託作品